本文摘要: 姚远,刘莉敏,王哲 (北京科诺伟业科技有限公司,北京 海淀区 100083) 摘要:大型地面电站及分布式屋顶电站是现阶段大规...
(北京科诺伟业科技有限公司,北京 海淀区 100083)
Daily solar radiation test platform for Photovoltaic power generation system
YAO Yuan, LIU Li-min, WANGZhe
(Beijing Corona Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract:Recently,large-scale PV stations and distributed-rooftop PV stations are the two main modes of PV stations.Large-scale PV stations always locate in remote areas. Roof resources are scattered. And the curves drawn by solar radiation meter are not exactly matched the output power curves of PV stations.
The thesis according to these characteristics ofPV stations and Data Acquisition Theory, gives a method of transforming the junction box and adding the Internet-based communication module. In this way, the new junction box could not only collect the photovoltaic system voltage and current data, but also collect the indirect data. Such as daily solar radiation calculated by the short circuit current of PV string; input and output power of the PV system. The thesis avoids the using of expensive solar radiometer, and can be monitored by the operators.
Key words: Photovoltaic power generation system; Daily solar radiation; Data collection
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